We at George and Dragon news interviewed Landlord Craig Tennick this morning at 9am..
This remarkably unfit looking chap was tucking into a pile of pasties left from previous evenings DARTS and dominoes, with a cheeky wink he mentioned the fact he was in training for white peak half Marathon.. we were quite amazed and laughed thinking he was joking… alas no, this clown is amazingly going to take on the 13.1 mile course on despite looking like a mobility scooter is more of a requirement than a jolly jaunt down the famous high peak trail…
If the bat fastard manages it, we’ll be shocked, not to mention our disbelief if he escapes being hospitalized… we wish him luck and pray for his heart.. if he does complete it God bless him, he truely will be an Athlete.. without doubt the fittest landlord in the whole of Bridge street opposite an antique reclaim furniture shop!