Last night the world famous most haunted pub on bridge street opposite a furniture reclaim shop was visited by a strange enterty…
Landlord Craig commented ‘ the alarm had been triggered so I dashed down to see if we had intruders’
But on my arrival the alarm was set and all doors were locked… it was 3am and there was no sign of any open doors or Windows… I went to turn outside smoking light which had been left on at end of business by accident, as I turned round there was an icey blast of cold air rush past me… I turned back towards my exit as I looked forward a figure walked across from the bar towards the toilets, I grabbed a pool cue and hurried from the pool table towards the bar… shouting who’s there…. nobody… I went yo check door to toilets it was bolted from the inside, the front door again bolted from the inside and the back door locked from the inside… after half an hour of checking I locked up and left resetting the alarm and going to bed… was what I saw a super criminal who can escape locked buildings without using doors and windows or a vision of ghostlyness… who knows… but it’s given me the willies